Immune, Headache, Stress (Roller)


  • Roller
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Sold By: Kingston Oil Witch


Properties: A blend of essential oils that support healthy immune function.
Device: Roller
Application: Shake before. Apply to chest, back of the neck, and bottoms of feet every 2-3 hours when seasonal threats are high or before bed.
Ingredients: Frankincense, Lemon, Oregano, On Guard, Melaleuca and Coconut/Avocado Oil

Properties: For any type of headache you are experiencing. May also help with migraines.
Device: Roller
Application: Shake before. Roll on your temples and back of your neck.
Ingredients: Lavender, Orange,  Basil, Peppermint, Frankincense, and Coconut/Avocado Oil

Properties: Good for helping alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety.
Device: Roller
Application: Shake before. Use on your wrists, behind your ears, back of your neck and on your temples.
Ingredients: Serenity, Lavender, Vetiver, Lemon, Grapefruit and Coconut/Avocado Oil

Disclaimer: This is only some information on essential oils and their application.  Please check with your doctor, before using any.

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Headache Helper, Immune Bomb, Stress Relief, Show Calm


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